Bella Mondo Images
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Welcome to Bella Mondo Images, Italian for a Beautiful Word.
My photographic journey has taken me through all the traditional photography genre, Landscapes, Cityscapes, Flowers, etc. While they have been fun, over time they have become less inspiring. I felt that I was more going through the motions then being creative.
Covid forced me to rethink my photography interests and as you can see from my portfolio, I have been focusing on what some would say is non-traditional photography. These genres have forced me to rethink how I take photographs and require more focus on technique and creativity
I have 5 main goals for my photograph:.
1-If what I am photographing is not FUN, why waste my time
2-I am constantly looking for new and creative way to work outside of my comfort zone
3-I look for compositions that other photographers missed
4-Photogrpahy is 10% equipment and 90% knowledge and creativity, so the best camera is the one I have with me
5-Always remember rule #1
Thank you for visiting my Web site. If you have any comments or questions please feel free to use the contact link below to speak with us.
Possa la tua giornata essere bella e le tue notti serene.