Persistence_4707 (SP1873) - Bella Mondo Images

Bella Mondo Images


In keeping with my journey as a Non-traditional Photographer, I wll spend time in the studio working on Splash Photography. Splash Photography is trying to capture 2 or more drops of water in a mid-air collision. The process is frustration as the entire sequence will last about 500ms. Hope you enjoy them


I Have been asked why these are call Persistence XXXX. I have been working on perfecting this form of photography since 2019, and decided to focus on it more this year. The XXXX is the number of attempts I have made to just get this one photo
Persistence_4707 (SP1873) - Bella Mondo Images
I Have been asked why these are call Persistence XXXX. I have been working on perfecting this form of photography since 2019, and decided to focus on it more this year. The XXXX is the number of attempts I have made to just get this one photo