Photographers Journey

Bella Mondo Images Bella Mondo Images

Random Thoughts

My thought and ramblings on Photography and whatever and whenever something come to mind. What you will NOT find here is anything dealing with everyday photography topic that tend to divide people, cameras, lens, programs, Adobe, etc. This is my opinions and in todays world I do not have the time to deal with all the drama that it will generate

Photographers Journey
Photographers Journey

Welcome to the first post of Bella Mondo Images and my thought and ramblings on Photography.  This first post will be an introduction on what you can expect when you visit this Blog.  


I will be posting topic dealing with the photographic process.  Things I have learned about Photoshop, Lightroom, Computer (I have been a Windows user since the DOS day, so do not expect anything to do with MACs) and taking portrait of our Furbaby, Nakita. Every once in awhile I will post some of my recent photographs and describe how it was captured and process.  I may even post my journey through the retirement phase of my life (Retired beginning of 2019).  

What you will NOT find here is anything dealing with cameras, lens, accessories, world situations, or anything that everybody has an opinion on.  In todays world I do not have the time to deal all the drama that it will generate. 

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